Maximum image quality at a reduced data size

slimRAW is a fast CinemaDNG compressor. It saves storage space and reduces storage throughput requirements for CinemaDNG raw video production.

  • Choice of lossless compression and 3:1, 4:1, 5:1, 7:1 or variable bit rate lossy compression.
  • Transparent workflow -- compressed CinemaDNG is compatible with industry standard video production software.
  • Full original image quality (with lossless CinemaDNG compression).
  • Offload CinemaDNG footage to two storage locations simultaneously with on-the-fly compression, checksum generation and verification.
  • Downscale CinemaDNG raw video.
  • Generate CinemaDNG raw proxies for smooth editing and grading while preserving the raw workflow (at up to 28:1 reduction of raw data footprint).
  • Highly optimized parallel processing.
  • slimRAW is available for Microsoft Windows and Apple macOS.

slimRAW highlights

Choice of lossless or high quality lossy compression

slimRAW can compress to standard lossless CInemaDNG for a substantial data size reduction with no image quality loss, or do lossy CinemaDNG compression for even smaller data sizes. slimRAW can also recompress and optimize CinemaDNG raw video that is already compressed.

Offload with compression in a single step

slimRAW can offload CinemaDNG raw footage from camera or recorder media to main storage while losslessly or lossily compressing it in the same step. slimRAW compression is fast enough to make this practical even on location.

Dual output

slimRAW can optionally output compressed CinemaDNG files to two locations simultaneously. This is particularly useful for offloading CinemaDNG video to main storage and backup storage simultaneously.

Data integrity tracking

slimRAW can optionally generate checksums to facilitate data integrity tracking through post production and archiving. slimRAW can be used to verify these checksums at any later stage.

Supported cameras and recorders

CinemaDNG video from:

  • Sigma fp,
  • Sigma fp L,
  • Kinefinity MAVO Mark2, Kinefinity MAVO Edge 8K, Kinefinity MAVO Edge 6K,
  • DJI Inspire 3,
  • DJI Zenmuse X5S, DJI Zenmuse X5R and DJI Zenmuse X7,
  • Digital Bolex D16,
  • Canon DSLR Magic Lantern raw (converted to CinemaDNG/DNG),
  • Sony FS700, Sony FS7 and Sony FS5 raw recorded through Convergent Design Odyssey 7Q/7Q+ or Atomos Shogun/Shogun Inferno/Shogun Flame,
  • Panasonic VariCam LT raw recorded through Convergent Design Odyssey 7Q/7Q+ or Atomos Shogun Inferno,
  • Panasonic AU-EVA1 raw recorded through Atomos Shogun Inferno/Sumo19,
  • Canon C300 Mark II and Canon C500 recorded on Atomos Shogun/Shogun Inferno/Shogun Flame,
  • Blackmagic Cinema Camera, Blackmagic Production Camera 4K, Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera, Blackmagic Micro Cinema Camera,
  • Blackmagic URSA, Blackmagic URSA Mini,
  • Achtel 9x7,
  • Kinefinity KineMINI 4K, KineMAX 6K, KineRAW,
  • Ikonoskop A-Cam dII,
  • Indiecam indieGS2K and indiePOV (uncompressed 12-bit CinemaDNG video as exported by Indiecam Instant-RAW software),
  • DNG frame stacks from Fastec Imaging TS and HiSpec series cameras (10-bit in a 16-bit container and 8-bit),
  • most other standard compliant CinemaDNG footage and DNG raw stills.
Downscale CinemaDNG

slimRAW can downscale CinemaDNG raw to half the original resolution, reducing storage and processing power needs in post production even further.

Lossy to lossless CinemaDNG transcoding

slimRAW can transcode lossy CinemaDNG to standard losslessly compressed CinemaDNG for use in applications that support lossless CinemaDNG but don't support lossy CinemaDNG.

Metadata preservation

slimRAW preserves all the original embedded metadata, including color, time codes and frame rate related metadata.


The multicore enabled parallel design of slimRAW makes use of all the available CPU power on your computer to maximize processing speed.

Output compatibility

Video production software supporting losslessly compressed CinemaDNG includes Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve, Blackmagic Design Fusion, Assimilate Scratch, FilmLight Baselight, The Foundry NUKE, Lightworks, Adobe Premiere CC, Adobe SpeedGrade CC, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom.

Lossy CinemaDNG is supported by Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve and Blackmagic Design Fusion.

Version 1.10 now available.